YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The Rich Center for Autism at Youngstown State University expanded support programs in 2024 and increased understanding of the greater need.

One in 36 children is now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, says Jake Ellis, coordinator of community engagement at the center.

The Rich Center added job sites for vocational programming, revamped literacy instruction, developed new independent living skills instruction and delved into universal individualized programming, Ellis reports.

Phase two of the Building for Tomorrow renovation plan also progressed. The project is funded by donors, Ohio’s capital budget and a grant.

Working with YSU graduate assistants and the university’s computer science department, The Rich Center continues to develop the RoboKind social-emotional and phonics curriculum. As a measure of this success, RoboKind has selected The Rich Center to pilot a new phonics program.

In 2024, the center partnered with YSU’s Area Health Education Center Scholars to create a student ambassador program, which hosted its first Sensory Adventure Day in Beeghly Center. Another initiative brings YSU student-athlete ambassadors to visit students at the center.

Last year’s sold-out Rock The Rich Center fundraiser helped the center to establish a vocational lab and expand programs. This May, Rock The Rich Center will feature

Lita Ford and The Vindys for a concert at the Youngstown Foundation Amphitheatre.

The Rich Center was established in 1995 with a six-week summer enrichment program for preschool students, Today it is a staple in the autism spectrum disorder community.