WARREN, Ohio – The Trumbull County Planning Commission is seeking public feedback on the 2024 update to the Trumbull County Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice.
The report aims to “identify and develop strategies to mitigate impediments to fair housing choice in Trumbull County, and the cities of Warren and Niles, Ohio and contains a demographic analysis, an assessment of current impediments to fair housing choice, and an action plan designed to reduce the impacts of barriers to fair housing choice and affirmatively further fair housing in Trumbull County.”
The planning commission is preparing the update on behalf of the Trumbull County commissioners, Youngstown State University and the cities of Niles and Warren.
The final draft can be viewed HERE. Public comments, which will be accepted through June 27, can be emailed to Emily.Moran@co.trumbull.oh.us.