CLEVELAND – Magnet has released its fifth annual Ohio Manufacturing Survey, seeking feedback about how companies in the region reacted to the pandemic.

The survey, which takes about 20 minutes to complete, is available HERE. Responses will be kept anonymous and confidential. Survey results will be released this summer.

“Taking this survey is a chance to help impact how key stakeholders in manufacturing make decisions in the future, inform policies at the state and federal levels, guide economic development in your region, and ensure that manufacturing is a top priority in all of our communities,” the organization said in a statement. “The results will help shape the offerings and services of manufacturing support organizations, workforce training programs, your local economic development organizations, and more.”

In the 2020 Ohio Manufacturing Report – which covers respondents’ business in 2019 – Magnet found the sector’s top priorities for the year were retaining and attracting talent (63%), improving sales and marketing efforts (49%) and cutting operational costs (30%).

The most common challenge limiting growth, respondents said, were a shortage of skilled workers (57%), the rising cost of health care (30%), the retirement of current workers (26%) and the rising cost of raw materials (25%).

The full 2020 report can be read HERE.