YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The National Endowment of the Arts has awarded a  $10,000 grant to the Butler Institute of American Art, the office of U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio 13, announced Monday.

The grant, awarded through NEA’s Arts Engagement in American Communities program, will support an art exhibition and associated outreach activities, and more specifically to showcase drawings and small-scale sculptures by sculptor and installation artist Alice Aycoc.

The exhibition will include gallery lectures, workshops, family programming and docent-led tours.

The NEA program supports arts projects in all artistic disciplines, extending its reach to communities across the United States. The goal of the program is to engage the public in art in geographic areas underrepresented in NEA’s grant-making portfolio. The grants are for $10,000, and require a minimum $10,000 match (cost share) with non-federal support.

Ryan, in announcing the grant, said he is pleased that the fiscal 2018 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill rejected President Donald Trump’s proposal to eliminate the NEA, and instead funds the agency at $145 million.

The grant is just one example of how essential NEA is to communities, museums, libraries and other institutions across the country, Ryan said. Ryan sits on the House Appropriations Committee and is ranking member of the Legislative Branch Subcommittee.

This week the House Appropriations Committee will mark up and vote on the bill, which includes funding for the NEA, the Department of Interior, the National Endowment of the Humanities and more. The bill included funding for the NEA and NEH at $145 million each, which is $5 million less than 2017 enacted levels, Ryan said.