SALEM, Ohio – The Salem Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the Salem Area Safety Council’s breakfast, workshop and luncheon April 21 that features speaker Richard Hawk at the Salem Golf Club, 1967 S. Lincoln Ave.
Hawk is a speaker, trainer, safety-coach, actor, musician, songwriter and author of four books: Spice It Up! 52 Easy Ways Turn Your Safety Meetings from Bland to Grand, The Safety Leader’s Guide Book, Just Imagine! and 250 Super Bright Safety Meeting and Promotional Ideas.
Registration and breakfast buffet start at 8 a.m.
“Create A Vibrant Safety Culture – Lead The Way To An Accident Free Workplace” workshop is $169 and will run from 8:30 to 11 a.m. The workshop is meant to help develop skills that create a culture everyone buys into.
“You Power! Using Your Personal Energy To Stimulate World-Class Safety Performance” luncheon is $25 and starts at 11:30 a.m. with lunch and the Ohio Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation awards, followed by Hawk at 12:30 p.m. He will speak about becoming a more powerful safety leader in your company and community.
For more information visit