YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-13 Ohio, will not run for governor and instead will focus his energy on “fight[ing] back against wrong-headed policies and champion[ing] the kinds of solutions that would have a real impact for families,” he says.

Ryan notified leaders of the Ohio Democratic Party of his decision this morning, according to the Plain Dealer, which first reported the eight-term congressman’s decision.

Earlier today he appeared on Fox Business News to discuss President Trump’s speech before both houses of Congress tonight — evidence of just how high his media profile was raised by his unsuccessful bid in November to unseat Nancy Pelosi as House minority leader.

Here is the full text of Ryan’s statement, emailed from his congressional campaign committee shortly after noon today:

Congressman Tim Ryan released the following statement today announcing his decision regarding Ohio Governor’s Race:

“When I entered politics, I made a commitment to make every decision based on what I thought would most improve the lives of citizens in my community, my state and my country. As I consider how best to continue to serve, this commitment remains my guiding light. I love the district I represent. It’s where I was born and raised. The community here inspires me each and every day. Together we have dealt with tough economic times but never lost our collective spirit. Representing my friends and neighbors continues to be the greatest honor of my life.

Constituents in my district are at the forefront of an economic transformation that has hollowed out our nation’s middle class. As I’ve considered how best to address these challenges, the more I’ve appreciated how much they are national issues that require national solutions. That is why, while I have been truly humbled by the encouragement I’ve received to run for Governor of Ohio, I believe the best way to serve my community, my state and my country is to remain in the United States Congress. There, I believe I can channel the support I’ve received through my positions on the Appropriations Committee and Defense Subcommittee to fight back against wrong-headed policies and champion the kinds of solutions that would have a real impact for American families.

With the perspective of my district and the voices of my constituents, I am eager to work with my colleagues to craft a vision for a future of hope, prosperity, and equality for every single American. We can no longer leave individuals, communities, or entire regions behind. Until we step up to this challenge, our nation will continue to be vulnerable to slick-talking charlatans willing to tell people what they want to hear while only benefiting Wall Street and wealthy donors. I remain hopeful though because I know that the Democratic Party, the historic champions of the great American middle class and equality for all, is ready to face this obstacle head on. That is why I will focus my efforts on electing Democrats who are ready to be middle class champions for communities like mine.

I’m confident Ohio Democrats will stick together and upend the disastrous Republican one party rule in Ohio that has cost jobs, allowed our communities to be ravaged by opiods, and failed to educate our children. Democrats are fortunate to have a wealth of talent in Ohio, and I look forward to helping Senator Sherrod Brown and all Democratic nominees win their elections in 2018.”