GROVE CITY, Pa. – “Meet the Fleet,” an exhibition of works by area artists who serve the community, is now on display through Oct. 12 in the Pew Fine Arts Center Gallery at Grove City College.

Presented by the college and HopeCat, a Sharon-based nonprofit, the exhibition spotlights artists who are key members of the region’s visual arts scene. The artists include Missy Rogers, Francesca Baldarelli, Ashley Vaughan, Christian Kuharik, Carol Novosel, Jeremiah Ibarra, Lovie Djan, Emerson Goheen and Daphine Postl.

In addition to art classes for children, adults and people in recovery, HopeCat provides career training in high-demand fields. Connie Nichols, chair of the Grove City College Department of Education, serves on the organization’s board of directors.

The gallery has free admission and is open to the public. It is open from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday; 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday; and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 12.

‘Six Ages of Woman’ Show Rescheduled

WARREN, Ohio – The performance of “Six Ages of Woman,” the one-woman comedy show by actor/comedian Mary Faktor, at the Robins Theatre has been rescheduled for Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 11 – at 2 p.m.

The hilarious, PG-13 rated comedy show is an ideal event for friends and couples and is the perfect Mother’s Day Gift – although men love it too.

Tickets are $18 and $25 (plus applicable fees). All previously sold tickets will be honored on the new date. To purchase, go to or the box office, 160 E. Market St.

“Six Ages of Woman” premiered in the 1990s and has been a hit for decades. It offers a timeless message of hope, change and growth that remains relevant. Faktor continually updates the show to keep up with the times.

The show chronicles the life of Vicki through phone conversations with her best friend, Madge. Although the audience never sees Vicki’s husband, children or best friend, by the end of the 90-minute show, it knows them all intimately. Decades pass as Vicki changes from starry-eyed teenager discovering love to newlywed bride full of romantic dreams, to expectant mother anticipating the joys of parenthood, to frenzied housewife with over-active toddlers, to a menopausal woman reentering the workforce, to grandmother beginning her retirement.

First Friday, Chalk the Walk Postponed

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The First Friday and Chalk the Walk event scheduled from 4 to 10 p.m. today in downtown Youngstown has been postponed due to the threat of rain, according to a news release from Youngstown CityScape.

A new date has not yet been announced.

Planetarium Announces Fall Shows

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. – The Westminster College Planetarium will present four different shows this fall semester in its full-dome theater in the Hoyt Science Center.

The programs are free and open to the public, but reservations are necessary due to limited seating. 

To register for a showing, click HERE. For more information, email

Here is an overview:

“Cosmic Origins” will be shown at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, and Friday, Sept. 20. Young astronomer Ariane presents a show aimed at discovering how astronomers are continuing Galileo’s quest to understand the universe. Ariane will take the audience on a journey from ALMA’s unique site high in Chile’s Atacama region, through our Milky Way and onward to some of the most distant galaxies, seen as they were in the early universe. Participants will learn about the formation of stars and planets and how ALMA can help answer questions about our origins. Recommended for age 10 and older.

“Halloween” will be shown at 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25. Explore the night sky and learn what planets, constellations and stars will be out when walking the streets on Halloween evening. Recommended for age 7 and older.

Two showings of “Drifting North: Into the Polar Night” will be shown at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6, and Friday, Nov. 15. Audience members will step out onto an ice floe in the middle of the Arctic Ocean and watch and listen as scientists race the fading light to set up one of the most ambitious international climate collaborations ever, the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate, which was launched in September 2019. Recommended for age 7 and older.

“The Star of Bethlehem” will be shown at 6 p.m. Nov. 20 and Dec. 6. Houston Museum of Natural Science answers the questions about the celestial object the wise men might have seen on their way to meet the Christ child. Objects such as a “wandering star,” “shooting star” and “hairy star” will be shown as they present strong contenders in their search. Recommended for age 5 and older. 

Auditions for ‘Thanksgiving Play’ at Playhouse

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Auditions for the Youngstown Playhouse’s production of “The Thanksgiving Play” will take place Sept. 7-9 at Hopewell Theatre, 702 Mahoning Ave.

Contact Nick Mulichak at to schedule an audition.

“The Thanksgiving Play” will be presented in the Moyer Room at the Youngstown Playhouse Nov. 15-24.

The cast requires two adult males and two adult females:

  • Logan, a high school drama teacher, desperate to save her job by creating a culturally sensitive Thanksgiving play.
  • Caden, an elementary school history teacher helping Logan maintain historical accuracy in the play.
  • Jaxton, Logan’s yoga instructor boyfriend who is overly concerned with political correctness.
  • Alicia, a professional actress hired to provide indigenous perspective, but who is not actually indigenous herself.

Auditionees will be asked to read from the script. While not required, they may also prepare a short (1-2 minutes) monologue. This is helpful for those not comfortable with a cold read.

The Thanksgiving Play is a satirical comedy written by Larissa FastHorse.

Cross Country Course at MetroParks Farm

CANFIELD, Ohio – The new Gorby Family Championship Cross Country Course at the Mill Creek MetroParks Farm was dedicated Friday morning.

The course, which meets NCAA specifications, consists of a 2-mile course and 1K, 2K and 3K loops to facilitate middle school, high school and collegiate events, The course features a 38-team starting grid, 10-meter course width, permanent start and finish mile/km markers, directional signs and multiple accessible spectator viewing areas. The project was a capital improvement project funded entirely through the Mill Creek MetroParks general fund, with private funding provided through the Gorby family.

Smarts Opens Enrollment for Students

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Students Motivated by the Arts will offer 31 classes in visual art, music, dance, theater and creative writing.

Each class runs for nine weeks starting the week of Sept. 16 and ending the week of Nov. 11, with a celebration at the Smarts Family Dinner on Nov. 20. All classes are free, open to the public and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

To enroll, click HERE. For information, call DeAudra Edgerson at 330 574 2787, ext. 2.

Smarts is a community-based art school based in downtown Youngstown that provides curriculum-focused programming in schools and out of schools for visual arts, music, dance, theater and creative writing.

Pictured at top: Hilary Walczak, director of galleries at Grove City College, stands near the “Meet the Fleet” exhibition.