NEW CASTLE, Pa. – The United Way of Lawrence County will host classes to educate homebuyers on the steps to purchasing a house.
The homebuyer classes will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays from Sept. 10-Oct. 8. at First Presbyterian Church, 125 N. Jefferson St.
Classes will be conducted in partnership with Penn State Extension, 10,000 Friends, First Energy Foundation, Lawrence County Board of Realtors and Lawrence County Community Foundation.
Presenters will include Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, First Energy, Penn Power, Neighborhood Legal Services, PA Careerlink, local banks and various social service agencies.
“The homebuyer classes are targeted to our ALICE [Asset Limited Constrained Employed] families that represent 44 percent of the Lawrence County population,” said Gayle Young, executive director of the United Way of Lawrence County. “These are families working and earning more than the federal poverty level but less than the basic cost of living for the county.”
To register, call 724 658 8528. For more information, click HERE.