YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Youngstown State University trustees approved a resolution renewing the university’s Plan for Strategic Actions to Take Charge of Our Future.
The plan, originally endorsed by trustees in June 2020, was updated to include points made in both the State of the University and the State of Academic Affairs presentations delivered this fall, according to the resolution approved at a regular trustees meeting Thursday.
“ …while the themes and major areas of focus remained the same as in the previous versions of the plan, there was the addition of an area of focus titled ‘Cultivate a culture of caring, empowerment and inspiration amongst all faculty and staff, and throughout YSU,’” the resolution states.
YSU President Bill Johnson said in his report that nearly every measure of effectiveness of an institution of higher learning is pointing in the right direction.
“It’s a testimony to not only the support we get from our board but to the outstanding work of our faculty, our staff, our leadership team here and our students,” he said.
He pointed to a nearly 11% enrollment increase, filling the educational void created by the closure of Eastern Gateway Community College, stable finances and a mission of focusing on the student experience.
“On the grants side, we had total grants awarded in January through September 2024 of $9.5 million representing 74 different projects,” Johnson said.
That included a $50,000 award from Norfolk Southern Railroad’s Community Grants Initiative to buy a golf cart that can lift and transport electric wheelchairs.
“We’re working hard to improve our integration with the community and the region – with local governments, with local school systems, with businesses and industries throughout the region,” the president said.
YSU is working to strengthen partnerships with K-12 institutions as that’s a pathway of students to the university. There are also efforts to integrate YSU with downtown Youngstown, Johnson said.
Trustees also heard presentations from students and faculty from the YSU moot court team, which advanced to the national competition; the Ethics Bowl team, which won first place at the 2024 Central States Regional Ethics Bowl; the men’s tennis team; and Students for Sight.
Pictured at top: From left are YSU President Bill Johnson; Michael Peterson, trustees chairman; Chuck George, vice chairman; and Anita Hackstedde, secretary.