The Innovators: Cory Liston

As has become The Business Journal’s custom during the month of May, designated as National Small Business Month, we ask readers to tell us who is worthy of recognition. This time, we asked readers to nominate innovators – the risk takers, out-of-box thinkers and the status quo challengers.

Cory Liston
Lead Designer, Engineering Direct

COLUMBIANA, Ohio – Cory Liston is outstanding because he took the initiative needed to implement a procedure that has created several benefits in the preconstruction design process.

Using the power of the Building Information Modeling tool, Revit by Autodesk, he models structural reinforcing bars in predesigned groups which can be seamlessly loaded into a project model.

This not only saves time by having a catalog of predesigned standard concrete pads on hand, but it
also allows revisions to be made project-wide to all structural foundation pads of that selected group instantly.

Before implementing this system, each foundation pad would be modeled separately. Any subsequent revision could be quite daunting depending on the complexity of the project and required changes.

Cory exercised the persistence and critical thinking needed to develop and organize the new system prior to implementation.

Nominated by Tucker Cope.

Published by The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.