COLUMBUS, Ohio – Two cities in the Mahoning Valley will each receive more than 1.5 million from the Ohio Department of Transportation for roadway improvements.

Columbiana was awarded $1,554,390 to pave Fairfield Avenue from the railroad tracks at Elm Street to Fairfield School Road, with full depth pavement repair where necessary. 

East Liverpool was awarded $1,538,687 to pave Dresden Avenue from the northern city limits to just north of 8th Street, with full depth pavement repair where necessary. 

Both projects also include curb ramps, adjustment to manholes and catch basins, clearing and grubbing and pavement markings.

The funds will come from ODOT’s Small City Program. ODOT announced Tuesday that is providing $16.9 million to 10 municipalities in nine counties throughout the state to help fund major roadway reconstruction or maintenance projects.

“These small-city projects are of big importance to the communities receiving these grants, and we are happy to help our local governments with the cost of these necessary roadway improvements,” Gov. Mike DeWine said.

ODOT will provide up to 95% of the eligible costs for construction and construction inspection only.

“The Small City Program is a big boost to our local municipal partners who, like ODOT, have a responsibility to keep their roads and bridges in good order,” ODOT Director Jack Marchbanks said.

ODOT accepts applications from eligible municipalities each year starting May 1 and ending June 15. The applications are reviewed by a committee with a background in funding and program management, environmental, engineering and crash data and safety analysis.