Community Action Partnership Gives Out Hygiene Supplies

SHARON, Pa. – Beth Perana has been volunteering her time by helping community groups since the coronavirus pandemic arrived in the Shenango Valley. She didn’t have a particular reason. She just wanted to help people in her community.

Perana volunteered to help the Community Action Partnership of Mercer County assemble baskets full of cleaning supplies. Groups began picking up the baskets at the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce in Sharon Tuesday. The supplies will be given to the unemployed currently receiving assistance through SNAP or Food Warehouse.

Community Action Partnership assembled 105 baskets, filled with about $45 worth of supplies such as Clorox wipes, paper towels and other hygiene items. The Prince of Peace Center, Shenango Valley Urban League, Salvation Army of Sharon and the Good Shepherd of Greenville will each receive 22 baskets.

First National Bank, the United Way of Mercer County, the Community Foundation of Mercer County and the Buhl Health Foundation made financial donations totaling approximately $4,700. Afterward, Dollar General supplied the materials.

“I never thought I’d see something like that in my time,” said Annette Morrison, executive assistant director of The Prince of Peace Center. “But seeing it happen, I’m more at peace, trusting in our faith.”

Community Action Partnership’s CEO, Wilma Torres, said the group plans to prepare a second round of baskets in the next few weeks. A $3,500 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and a $1,000 donation from the Meszaros Family Foundation will fund the second round.

“It’s really heartwarming,” Torres said. “It gives you hope because [the community is] seeing the need and they’re meeting the need.”

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