COLUMBUS, Ohio – Four schools in the Mahoning Valley have received state recognition for their commitment to military families.

Hilltop and C.H. Campbell elementary schools in Canfield, Jackson-Milton Elementary and Newton Falls junior and high schools each earned the Purple Star School designations. They join other schools in the Valley who maintain the designation from previous years.

Ninety-seven Ohio schools received the designation for the first time, and 74 schools earned a renewal after three years as dedicated Purple Star schools. 

“Ohio is a leader in its support to military families, and the Purple Star program is a wonderful example of how this support extends to children in our schools,” Gov. Mike DeWine said. “I applaud Ohio’s Purple Star schools and thank them for supporting military-connected students and ensuring they have the services and learning resources to succeed.”   

Ohio is home to 600 active Purple Star schools that dedicate time and support to students in military families. All awardees meet the wellness and academic needs of Ohio’s military-connected youth. 

“Congratulations to this year’s class of Ohio Purple Star schools for supporting student success, strengthening school-family partnerships and recognizing the sacrifice of military service members and their families,” said Stephen D. Dackin, director of the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. “It is wonderful to see the meaningful ways Ohio’s learning communities are showcasing their commitment to military families.”  

To qualify for the Purple Star designation, schools choose a school-based staff person to serve as a liaison between military families and the school. The liaisons complete professional development, identify military-connected students and facilitate support throughout the school community for identified students and families. Purple Star schools also participate in at least one supportive activity each year.  

The Purple Star Class of 2024 includes schools that host monthly military kids club meetings, provide professional learning for all educators on the unique considerations of military-connected students, implement peer-to-peer transition programs and host school-wide celebrations honoring military students and families.   

Purple Star awardees receive a special Purple Star recognition to display in their buildings. A Purple Star school receives the designation for three years, after which the school can apply for renewal of the designation. Applications for the next class of Purple Star schools will open in November.