Tell us your story! What is Your “New Normal?”

The information you provide will be published in Growth Report 2 along with dozens of positive and uplifting stories about how our region is growing and evolving. This one-of-its kind publication — now published in two editions in January and February — is the region’s No. 1 business resource.

Growth Report 2 will feature story information submitted by:

• For-profit Businesses
• Hospitals
• Health Care Companies
• Health Care Agencies

There is no charge to submit story information, but you must meet the deadline: Feb. 1, 2023.

GR2 will be published Feb. 14, 2023. Once the print editions are published, Growth Report stories will be posted online and across our email and social media platforms.

Send story submission info to [email protected]. Also include a high-resolution photo and caption (with IDs left-to-right) that illustrates your Growth Report. (We cannot guarantee it will run, but we want to include as many images as possible.)

For guidance as you compile your submission, consider answering these questions:

  • What does the “new normal” look like in your organization in terms of changes made during the pandemic that have become permanent?
    • Changes to your product/service offerings? To your workforce? To the markets you serve or plan to expand into? To your mission? To your customers/prospects/donors?
  • What is the 2023 outlook for your organization?
  • In what areas do you plan for growth in 2023?
  • What were your notable organizational successes in 2022 and what are you doing to keep that momentum going in 2023?
  • What significant investments did you make in 2022? Investment plans for 2023?
  • What new technology upgrades and/or software systems did you adopt in 2022? How did you improve workflow?
  • Characterize your revenue growth in 2022. Projections for 2023?
  • How did your organization give back to the community in 2022?
  • Is there a notable employee that you would like to recognize?

Required Information: 

  • Year founded, number of employees, general description of products/services.
  • The name and title of the person to whom the company information should be attributed must be included as well as the full organization name and address, telephone and email of the person submitting report.

Guidelines for submitting story information:

  • Submit no more than 600 words.
  • Copy slanted toward advertising will be deleted.
  • Reports are subject to standard news editing, available space and date of submission.

For more information about advertising:
Jan O’Malley 330 227 7129 or email [email protected]
Tom Kusiowski 330 227 7148 or email [email protected]

For questions about submitting a story:
Andrea Wood 330 333 7769 or email [email protected]