Dan O’Brien Discusses ProPublica Partnership

After years covering economic development in the region, Dan O’Brien talks about what he and ProPublica learned during their investigation into the efficacy of Youngstown’s enterprise zone program.

This article was produced in partnership with the ProPublica Local Reporting Network. Sign up for ProPublica’s Big Story newsletter to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

Help us investigate and search for solutions. The Business Journal in Youngstown, Ohio, and ProPublica are investigating economic development incentives in the Mahoning Valley. If you know something about how these programs were used – or abused, we would like to hear from you.

We’d particularly like to hear from: • Past or present employees of companies who received development incentives. • Government and economic development officials responding to our findings, providing additional information and insights on how incentives can be better deployed and monitored for compliance. • Business leaders with suggestions on the types of incentives that small businesses need. If you have something to share with us, here’s how to do it:

Via email: [email protected] Via phone call, text message: 330 333 7774 Via phone our online form: BusinessJournalDaily.com/submit-your-story

Copyright 2024 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.