Updated: America Makes Responds to COVID-19

Updated 5:25 p.m. March 25, 2020: New URL, statement from America Makes
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — In an effort to address supply chain shortages amid the coronavirus pandemic, America Makes is working to organize a central repository of the additive manufacturers who are ready to help.

On March 25, America Makes launched AmericaMakes.us/covid-19 to be that repository for product designs. To ensure the capabilities match the need and that the products are safe, America Makes is partnering with the Food and Drug Administration to ensure the additive manufacturing industry can “effectively and safely meet the needs” of health-care workers during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a statement by the organization.

The website will record necessary information from the additive manufacturing and health-care industries, and to eventually provide a pathway for product designs to be uploaded for review to ensure they meet medical standards, then downloaded for production, according to the statement.

America Makes is also courting feedback from stakeholders in the additive manufacturing community and health-care providers, says its director of communications and public affairs, Andrew Resnick.

“The eventual goal is to be able to match those two up,” Resnick says. “This is an effort that’s being taken very seriously nationally. And we’re just trying to make sure we can take all the great innovation that’s going on out there and matching the needs effectively.

Additive manufacturers and health-care professionals can visit the website and click the appropriate button to fill out the submission form.

For additive manufacturers, forms request specific information on their role in the supply chain, material and print capabilities and capacity, design tools and engineering services and any additional capabilities.

Health-care professionals are asked to provide information on their needs for personal protective equipment (PPE), including type and quantity, as well as any additional needs.

“As the Department of Defense Manufacturing Innovation Institute for additive manufacturing, America Makes’ mission is to drive collaboration in our industry to meet the needs of the US government and manufacturing base,” according to the statement. “This mission couldn’t be more clear today with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and pending supply shortages throughout the US. We believe this repository will play a critical role in meeting the needs of front line health care workers.”

Copyright 2024 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.