YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – A design group consisting of 20 engineers visited Youngstown Thermal LLC this week to begin “detailed engineering” for the demonstration site of the “Advanced Ultra-SuperCritical Component” coal technology project being developed by Energy Industries of Ohio and the U.S. Department of Energy.
The demonstration site is part of a $75 million project to develop advanced-energy manufacturing technology. Two major components are an advanced energy super heater and a first-in-the-world turbine made of special alloys, says Carl Avers, CEO of Youngstown. The super heater and turbine collectively improve efficiency by 50% compared to existing power-producing plants and reduce fuel consumption by 50%, according to Avers.
The U.S. Advanced UltraSuperCritical project focuses on additive manufacturing processes to produce materials with the potential to reduce carbon emissions by one-third. Energy Industries of Ohio, a Cleveland nonprofit, is leading a consortium of universities, think tanks and companies such as Babcock & Wilcox.
The 10,000-horsepower demonstration turbine will be housed inside Thermal’s brick buildings at 205 North Ave. “Once demonstrated, the design of all future base-load electric power plants worldwide will likely be based on this system design,” Avers observes.
Thermal’s plant was selected for the demonstration project “because of our company’s unique ability and history to think outside of the box and work to do demonstration/research projects alongside of an operating business,” he says.
The project will necessitate Thermal adding to its 20-person staff, he notes, and developing a visitor’s center “because engineers from around the world will likely want to witness the facility and have an explanation of the technology.”
When the demonstration project ends, the turbine will go to a museum, Avers adds.
Pictured: Graphic depictions of Advanced UltraSuperCritical turbine under development by Energy Industries of Ohio and the U.S. Department of Energy.
Youngstown Thermal Named Test Site for $75 Million Project