App Support

How do I log in to the app?

To log in to the the Business Journal app, simply use the same User Name and Password that you used to setup your account at

If you purchased your subscription through the app, click the menu in the top left corner of the app and click LOGIN. Tap Restore In-App Purchases.

How do I log out of the app?

Click the menu in the top left corner of the app and click LOG OUT.

What if I don’t have a LOGIN button in the menu?

Delete, reinstall the app and log in. See above for how to log in.

Why am I blocked from reading articles?

You are either logged out or didn’t subscribe.

Why am I asked to subscribe again?

Your subscription expired, or you got logged out. See above how to log back in.

How do I know if I am logged in?

You have access to the content.

How do I know if my subscription is still active?

If you purchased your subscription on the website, click My Profile at the top of the homepage and log in.

If you purchased your subscription through the app, you can manage your subscriptions here: for iOS for Android

How do I change the font size?

Click the Settings gear icon in the top right corner, and adjust to the preferred size.

What if my question isn’t answered here?

Email [email protected].