Nathan Richards, a mechanical engineering student graduating this spring, was at the YSU STEM Spring Expo searching for a local full-time position.

YOUNGSTOWN – The YSU College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics presented its STEM Spring Expo Feb. 29, giving students, YSU alumni and potential employers an opportunity to meet and discuss job and internship opportunities. Represented at the event were 113 companies that do business locally, elsewhere in Ohio and in other states. The STEM College conducts expos in the spring and fall semesters.

Pictured above are: Rob O’Donnell, a YSU alumni and district sales manager employed for 26 years with Vulcraft, a subsidiary of Nucor Steel, was at the YSU STEM Spring Expo Feb. 29 looking for a few good students and graduates. Sherri Hrusovski, executive director of the YSU College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, points out O’Donnell and many of the 112 other employers are regulars at the biannual event where they can find 400 to 500 people for internships, co-ops and fulltime opportunities.