NEW CASTLE, Pa. – A shoebox parade, featuring intricate miniature floats made from shoeboxes, ushered in the holiday season Nov. 21 in New Castle, Pa. The shoebox parade is a substitute for the city’s annual Christmas parade, which was canceled this year because of the pandemic. It was spearheaded by Kim Koller-Jones, director of Arts and Education at the Hoyt Center for the Arts in New Castle, and produced by New Visions for Lawrence County. 

Church groups, schools, businesses and organizations created a combined 50 floats out of shoeboxes. The activity, dubbed the Hometown Holly Days Shoe Box Parade, will definitely be back next year – even if the real parade returns. “It gives organizations another means of participating, especially if they can’t do a [full-size] float,” Koller-Jones said.

A film of the parade is posted on The Hoyt’s Facebook page, where viewers can vote for their favorite float through Nov. 28. The float with the most likes will win a $500 prize for the charity of its creator’s choice.

Pictured: The “film set” for the parade features downtown buildings and spectators.