Professional Whites Uniforms Adds Colors

SHARON, Pa. – After spending time as a business manager, Christina Ewing decided it was time to take on a “new adventure,” as she calls it, that would allow her to spend more time with her family.

In 2018, Ewing took over Professional Whites Uniforms – a 32-year-old business at 106 E. State St. in Sharon, Pa.

“Professional Whites Uniforms derives [its name] from when you could only wear white uniforms [like] when the store first opened,” she says.” That’s why the name is still ‘Professional Whites Uniforms.’”

While Ewing went to school for business and wanted to one day have her own, she says her real inspiration has been her two children.

“When I took over this business,  [the children] were only 8 and 5,” she says. “I get to spend more time with them and as they get older, they will get to see what hard work does.”

Ewing hopes that someday her children will look back on her work, she says, and be inspired to pursue their own dreams.

When Ewing took over, she realized she wanted to offer more than just scrubs.

“Obviously, we don’t have a lot of white in here anymore,” she says.

The store has added some gift items, school uniforms and free local deliveries. And it recently decided to enter a joint venture with neighboring business, Sugar Magnolia (see opposite page).

As both stores were unable to have typical celebrations for their businesses, the owners decided to pool resources and hold an early August celebration.

“We are always looking to try to do new things,” says Ewing. “It was a thought that maybe we could do it together and see how it goes.”

Pictured at top: “Obviously we don’t have a lot of white in here anymore,” says Christina Ewing.