YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The Awesome Foundation of Youngstown is accepting proposals through Sept. 8 for its inaugural $1,000 grant awards.

Created by a group of Youngstown State University professors and faculty, local entrepreneurs and educators, the foundation will award the money to “an individual or group utilizing the creative arts and technology as a catalyst for community and economic development,” said founder R.J. Thompson in a release.

Projects based in Youngstown will take priority, he added.

While the Youngstown chapter was founded in June, the Awesome Foundation was founded in 2009 and currently has 85 chapters. More than $3 million has been awarded to 2,800 projects around the world. Each chapter operates independently.

“We all know how awesome it is to live, work and play in the city of Youngstown. The dedicated founders of Awesome Foundation Youngstown want to help those who can make our community even better,” Thompson said.

Proposals can be submitted here. For more information, contact Thompson at 412 779 7665 or