YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Students and faculty from the University of Sào Paulo in Brazil are visiting Youngstown State University this week for a business-study tour sponsored by the Williamson College of Business Administration.
The students, who are retail executives, will tour local retail establishments such as Best Buy, Home Depot, WalMart Distribution Center, Sam’s Club, WalMart Super Center, Krogers, Target, CVS, Premium Outlets in Grove City, Cabelas in West Virginia, and Costco and IKEA in Pittsburgh.
YSU faculty and representatives from the International Trade Assistance Center at YSU will present seminars on a variety of business topics.
“We are very excited about our partnership with the University of Sào Paulo and are looking forward to other joint ventures,” said Betty Jo Licata, dean of the Williamson College.
The initiative is part of YSU’s Center of Excellence in International Business. The mission of the Center is to create a global learning environment that prepares students to be successful business leaders. The Center provides training, consulting and research that advances knowledge and practice in international business and supports the economic development of Ohio.
SOURCE: YSU News Center