Brite Launches Survey to Guide E-Mobility Supply Chain

WARREN, Ohio – Brite Energy Innovators has mounted an effort to help new companies in the electric mobility supply chain.

The incubator for energy tech startups reported Friday that it is taking a survey of professionals in the electric mobility – or e-mobility – supply chain and also owners of electric vehicles. Brite will use the findings to identify market opportunities for e-mobility startups.

E-mobility refers to the group of underlying technologies relating to the development of electric vehicles, drones and other surface transportation methods that rely on electricity. This can include hardware such as batteries and other energy storage devices, fuel cells, advanced materials, and sensors. E-mobility can also include software solutions, says Sara Daugherty, Brite director of partnerships. 

The survey is available at through the end of June. The findings will allow Brite to identify areas of need and ways the incubator can more effectively serve startups.

As electric vehicle sales increase, the number of new companies with supporting technologies is also rising, Daugherty says. In addition to electric vehicles for personal use, electrification of public transportation is also on the rise, as is the application of commercial drone use for analysis of infrastructure. These additional applications only increase the need for new, innovative technologies. 

Brite serves 22 startups with e-mobility-related technologies, 18 of which joined Brite since the start of 2020. Sara Daugherty, director of partnerships, expects Brite to work with even more e-mobility companies in the near future.

“Out of the startups we serve on a weekly basis, over a quarter of them are in e-mobility,” according to Daugherty. “Among the new startups and partners we engage in the near future, we know e-mobility will play a key role in many of their technologies because the technologies shaping the future of EV’s and e-mobility have so many other applications in building efficiency, the power grid and more.”

Published by The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.