WARREN, Ohio – Three portfolio companies at Brite Energy Innovators have launched services aimed at helping businesses navigate the coronavirus outbreak.
MustER, a solar racking solution company, has assembled a team to design a system that be quickly deployed in order to address the need to treat and quarantine COVID-19 patients in areas without sufficient medical capacity.
GeneratorWorks worked with SmartDocMD to apply artificial intelligence to the SecurePassDX system to identify patents with possible risks for COVID-19. The system uses Centers for Disease Control guidelines for risk assessment combined with patient symptoms and medical comorbidities, as well as patient demographics. Conditions can be viewed in real time and shared with infectious-disease teams.
Intwine Connect, a provider of 4G internet “failover” services and voice over internet protocol phone service, has deployed its technology to allow remote access to health-care data. The company also allows workers in all industries to work remotely with fast, reliable internet connections.
Based in downtown Warren, Brite Energy Innovators is the state’s only energy incubator. It supports startups in the energy sector, including advanced materials, energy storage, fuel cells and the Internet of Things.
Source: Brite Energy Innovators