YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has enlisted more than 60 officeholders, community leaders and grassroots leaders in Ohio to the Buckeye State’s primary election March 15.
On Hillary for America’s Ohio Leadership Council, announced Tuesday, are U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-13, and U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Ohio Senate Minority Leader Joe Schiavoni and state Reps. John Boccieri and Michelle Lepore-Hagan, former U.S. Sen. John Glenn and former Gov. Ted Strickland, running for U.S. Senate.
The campaign announced the endorsements Tuesday.
The council shares Clinton’s commitment to several goals, such as “raising wages for the middle class, strengthening our nation’s infrastructure to create good-paying jobs, defending and enhancing the Affordable Care Act, ensuring that cost is not a barrier for students going to college [and] working toward a cure for Alzheimer’s” disease,” said a press release that announced the leadership team.
In 2006, Clinton, then a U.S. senator representing New York, headlined a rally in Austintown to support Brown’s successful bid to unseat U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine. Ryan backed Clinton in the 2008 primary.
Strickland, then the governor, campaigned aggressively on Clinton’s behalf in 2008 during the Ohio primary. Clinton won Ohio but lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama.
“I am proud to endorse Hillary Clinton for president because I know she has what it takes to stand up for Ohio’s working families,” Brown, the senior senator from Ohio, said in a statement. “From opposing unfair trade deals, to pushing for a fair financial system, Hillary has proven she will be a president who fights for middle-class values and puts working people and small businesses ahead of Wall Street profits.”
“When Hillary Clinton traveled to Ohio in September, she made one thing very clear: She is prepared and determined to fight every single day for a stronger, more equal America,” said Schiavoni, D-33 Boardman, in his statement. “She promised Ohioans — young and old — that she would fight tirelessly to make sure their voices are heard. Hillary’s vast domestic and foreign policy experience positions her as the best candidate to represent the interests of middle-class Americans in Washington, and I’m honored to help her team in Ohio.”
Here is the full list of members Clinton’s Ohio Leadership Council, as provided by the campaign:
- U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown
- U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan
- U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge
- U.S. Rep. Joyce Beatty
- Ohio Senate Democratic Leader Joe Schiavoni
- Senator Lou Gentile
- Senator Kenny Yuko
- Senator Charleta Tavares
- Senator Cecil Thomas
- Representative, DNC Member Kathleen Clyde
- Representative David Leland
- Representative Debbie Phillips
- Representative Denise Driehaus
- Representative Greta Johnson
- Representative Heather Bishoff
- Representative Jack Cera
- Representative Janine Boyd
- Representative John Boccieri
- Representative John Patterson
- Representative Kent Smith
- Representative Kristin Boggs
- Representative Martin Sweeney
- Representative Michael Ashford
- Representative Michael Sheehy
- Representative Michelle Lepore-Hagan
- Representative Mike Curtin
- Representative Nick Celebrezze
- Representative Nickie J. Antonio
- Representative Stephanie Howse
- Representative Stephen Slesnick
- Representative Teresa Fedor
- Mayor of Columbus Andy Ginther
- Mayor of Akron Dan Horrigan
- Mayor of Cincinnati John Cranley
- Mayor of Dayton Nan Whaley
- Mayor of Toledo Paula Hicks-Hudson
- Mayor of Warrensville Heights Brad Sellers
- Summit County Executive Russ Pry
- Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish
- DNC Member Pat Frost Brooks
- DNC Member Ronald Malone
- DNC Member Jocelyn Bucaro
- DNC Member Isabel Framer
- Executive Director of OAPSE/AFSCME, DNC Member Joe Rugola
- Former US Senator John Glenn
- Former Governor and US Representative Ted Strickland
- Former Mayor of Cincinnati Mark Mallory
- Former Mayor of Columbus Michael Coleman
- Former Representative Connie Pillich
- Political & Legislative Director, Ohio Pipe Trades Willie Koester
- Political Coordinator, Laborers District Council of Ohio Kenny Holland
- President & Directing Business Representative District Lodge 54t IAM & AW T. Dean Wright, Jr.
- President, AFSCME Ohio Council 8 John Lyall
- President, Cincinnati Federation of Teachers Julie Sellers
- President, Cleveland Teachers Union David Quolke
- President, Ohio Federation of Teachers Melissa Cropper
- President, SEIU Local 1199 Becky Williams
- President, Toledo Federation of Teachers Kevin Dalton
- Director of Governmental Affairs District Council 6, IUPAT Gary McPheron
- Secretary Treasurer of Ohio AFL-CIO Petee Talley
- AFGE National Vice President, District 6 Arnold Scott