COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two Mahoning Valley ice cream shops were voted among the 10 best in the state in the Ohio Farm Bureau’s 3rd Annual Ohio Ice Cream Battle.

More than 30 ice cream shops made it to the final round, but Cockeye Creamery in Warren and Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream, Youngstown, ranked fifth and seventh, respectively.

Nearly 15,000 Ohioans voted in an informal poll on Facebook. Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl in Muskigum County won the contest with 27% of the overall votes.

Lil e’s Ice Cream in Union County took second place, and Emma’s Frosty Kreme in Pike County took third.

Rounding out the top 10 were:

  • Dietsch Brother Ice Cream, Hancock County
  • Jubie’s Creamery, Greene County
  • Young’s Jersey Dairy, Greene County
  • Whip-n-Dip, Ashtabula County
  • Toft’s Dairy & Ice Cream, Erie County

Source: Ohio Farm Bureau