COITSVILLE TOWNSHIP, Ohio — A new half-mile sewer line along McCartney Road may not seem like much, but to Coitsville Township Trustee Phyllis Johnson, it’s a major step forward in the growth of the township.

“U.S. 422 is our enterprise zone. We would love to attract businesses and we know that one of the ingredients has to be water and sewer,” Johnson said. “We really want to get the line run all the way up 422.”

Ground was broken for the project Tuesday. The new sewer line will run some 2,500 feet along McCartney Road between I.S.L.E Purple Cat and Victory Christian Center will cost nearly $600,000 with the funds coming from public and private sources. Coitsville will contribute $10,000, I.S.L.E. Purple Cat $40,000, other local funding $134,040, The Appalachian Regional Commission (state and federal) $162,000 and a Community Development Block Grant (federal) $250,000 plus $3,000 from a revolving loan fund.

One organization that will immediately benefit is the Purple Cat, which owner Jimmy Sutman says needs an updated septic system.

“We are delighted that they are getting started on this project today,” Sutman said.

With the updated sewer lines, Purple Cat will be positioned to expand. Its development plans include a camping area, shower house, restrooms in the cabins, and a swimming pool with restrooms and changing rooms. This growth would create 15 jobs once $700,000 in private contributions are secured, Sutman said.

But none of these projects could be started until Purple Cat buildings are tied into the sewer lines, he explained.

The sewage line project is just the first of many projects that the president of the Mahoning County commissioners, Anthony Traficanti, says can be done to make the 422 corridor more attractive to businesses.

“One of the first things business look for when they want to locate in an area, besides good schools and good police, is whether they have sewer and water,” Traficanti said. “Now that we have sanitary sewer lines run, water should follow. That’s normally the progression when you put sanitary sewer lines in.”

As the backhoe broke ground in front of the Purple Cat building, Phyllis Johnson couldn’t restrain her joy. “I wanted to dance!” she said as she laughed. “You have no idea how excited we are to see that equipment here.”