PITTSBURGH – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District will host a virtual public meeting June 29 to collect input for a revision of the Shenango River Lake master plan.

The corps is seeking public input about environmental and recreational topics to consider while revising the master plan, which will guide the use of the lake’s natural resources for the next 25 years, the corps said in a news release Thursday.

The virtual meeting, which will run from 6 to 7:30 p.m., will be held through a WebEx application and consist of a presentation and breakout sessions. Participants will be able to ask questions and provide input on the opportunities, concerns and improvement suggestions they envision for the environmental, recreational, safety, cultural and historical resources at Shenango River Lake. 

Participants can join the virtual meeting at https://usace1.webex.com/meet/PittsburghDistrict. To join the meeting, participants must enter the link into their browser, select “Call Me,” enter their phone number and click “Join the Meeting.” Those wishing to practice logging into the virtual meeting space may participate in an optional practice session that will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. June 27 using the same login information.

Participants who are unable to join the WebEx meeting can join via phone: 

USA Toll-Free: (844) 800-2712

Access Code: 199 341 3549

Security Code: 1234 (if prompted)

The public can review the current master plan, propose revisions and find additional information about the meeting here.

After the meeting, participants may submit comments via email, mail, Facebook or on the project’s website. A mapping tool on the project website will collect input. 

Comments may be sent via email to ShenangoRiverLake@gmail.com with the subject line “Shenango River Lake Master Plan Update Comments.” To submit a comment via conventional mail, address the letter to “U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Comments, 2442 Kelly Road, Hermitage, PA 16148” or at the comment boxes outside the Shenango Recreation Area Kiosk (492 W. Lake Road, Transfer, PA 16154) and Mahaney Recreation Area Kiosk (2442 Kelly Road, Hermitage, PA 16148).

Comments via Facebook can be sent using this link.