MONACA, Pa. – Construction of the Royal Dutch Shell Pennsylvania Petrochemicals plant is 80% complete and projected to be operational sometime this year, a Shell spokesman said Wednesday.
The plant remains one of the largest construction sites in North America, with approximatley 8,000 workers reporting to work at the construction site each day, Shell’s Curtis Smith said. Once complete, the plant will employ about 600 permanent on-site workers.
He was unable to be more specific regarding a start date.
“On a daily basis workers are commissioning major pieces of equipment within our infrastructure units – a phased process that will continue until start-up,” he said. “That includes connecting pipes and wiring that will eventually loop and extend for hundreds of miles along the site’s 386 acres.”
A hiring event is schedule from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday. Petroleum Service Corp., a Houston-based firm that will operate part of the $6 billion petrochemical plant, is hosting the event at the OhioMeansJobs center in Lisbon at 7989 Dickey Drive, Suite 4.
The company, which provides product handing and site logistics services, will look to fill rail switchmen, rail mechanic, rail administrator, CDL driver, loader and lab technician positions at the hiring event.
“They’re hiring for people who want a career,” said Gloria Matthews, communications assistant with the Mahoning & Columbiana Training Association. She added that previous experience is not required for positions and the company will provide on-the-job training.
During the event, PSC staff will do a preliminary sift of applicants, interview the ones they select and schedule drug tests for job candidates who reach that level, she said. In addition to the posted jobs, PSC recruiters will consider candidates for other positions.
A 2020 study by Robert Morris University reports the complex will produce $260 million to $846 million in annual economic activity – the net value of wages, benefits, and related spending – for Beaver County alone. The annual economic impact in the 10-county region that includes Lawrence County is projected at approximately $3.3 billion.