NORTH LIMA, Ohio – Joe Dickey Electric continued its momentum in 2021 after a record-breaking 2020 and had another “big year,” according to President Eric Carlson.

Highlighting the year was concluding the electrical contractor’s largest project in at least the last 20 years, the TJX distribution center in Lordstown.

While one large project essentially ended, others have picked right up in its place. Dickey Electric has electricians at the Ultium Cells battery plant and Lordstown Motors in Lordstown, PurFoods and the Macy’s distribution center in North Jackson. Its employees are also working at the emergency department expansion at Akron Children’s Hospital in Boardman, among other commercial and industrial projects.

“Akron Children’s has been a cool project,” Carlson says.

Steve Morse, general foreman for Joe Dickey Electric, was among more than 75 union electricians on-site at the TJX Homegoods warehouse and distribution center during the project’s peak of construction.

The $30 million building addition is being done as an integrated lean project delivery where key partners (contractors, architects, engineers and owner) work collaboratively to bring the project in under the original budget, which allows for owner value-adds.

“Our extensive design-build ability allowed us to excel in that process,” Carlson says, specifically crediting his engineer, Dave Wright, who’s heavily involved in the hospital project.

One challenge in 2021 was managing through supply chain disruptions. Dickey accomplished that by stocking more supplies and earlier pre-buying of materials for projects.

“Normally we’d wait until two or three days ahead of using material. But we had to give ourselves more time so as not to delay projects,” Carlson says.

Dickey Electric increased its residential business in 2021, as well.

“Residential was really, really busy in 2021 and remains extremely busy into 2022,” Carlson says.

Driving that growth is service work and an increase locally in new housing builds.

Other growth areas for Dickey Electric were its prefabrication division and its electrical preventive maintenance service offering, CurrentSafe.

As is a longstanding tradition at Dickey Electric, the company remained a pillar with community service. Among the larger beneficiaries were the United Way of Youngstown and Mahoning Valley, including a successful employee giving campaign and participation in several Satur-Days of Caring, and employee volunteering of time and treasure at South Range schools.

Dickey Electric will emphasize its residential electrical services in 2022, as it awaits word on large commercial and industrial construction projects that are coming down the pipeline.

“We’re definitely in a position to reload,” Carlson says.