Land Energy, Cleveland

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – For many, just the thought of riding a motorcycle is a bit daunting.  An electric-powered motorcycle might give additional pause to potential consumers because the EV market across the country is still in its infancy.

But a startup based in Cleveland just might have the very product to convince those who are hesitant.

Land Energy has developed an electric two-wheeler that – with the touch of a button – can transition from an e-bicycle to a slightly faster e-moped, or to an e-motorcycle that can hit speeds up to 70 miles per hour.

“We’re really consumer first,” says Scott Colosimo, CEO. “A lot of people want to ride but are afraid to ride because motorcycles are so big.”

Land Energy’s bike, the District, weighs under 200 pounds and is equipped with three modes to suit the rider, Colosimo says. With the touch on a small screen, the rider is able to set the lightweight EV to mode one – essentially an e-bicycle with a top speed of 22 miles per hour.  Mode two allows speeds of up to 37 miles per hour with twice as much horsepower, about the same as a moped. Mode three gives the rider the option of taking it up to an e-motorcycle.

The objective is to attract more consumers to e-mobility, Colosimo says. “We’ve created a platform that gets people into riding,” he says. For example, should a novice rider enjoy the e-bicycle mode and in the future consider a faster bike, all be would need to do is change the mode on the District.

“Instead of having to go out an buy another faster model, all you have to do is step up gearing,” Colosimo says. “There’s little barrier to entry.”

The bike is completely electric-powered and comes with three battery configurations, says Chuck Mozingo, senior adviser.  “You can go about 40 miles on the smallest battery,” he says.  An intermediate version requires two small batteries that provide enough power to travel 80 miles on a charge, while a single megawatt pack provides a range of 100 miles.

“The typical motorcycle rider is not our target audience,” Mozingo says. “People want to hop on it and feel safe and realize it’s as simple as a bicycle. It’s a fantastic experience.”

The versions range in price from $7,200 to $12,000, Mozingo says.

Land Energy’s e-bike is powered by portable battery packs that are easily swapped in and out, Colosimo says.  The packs can also be used for other purposes, such as backup units for your home or to power other electronic devices at remote locations.  These packs can charge on a standard, household power outlet.

“What we’re really doing is teasing people into energy independence,” Colosimo says.  “There’s going to be a massive transition from gas to electric and the light EV and distributed energy markets are two fast-growing markets. We’re in the center of both of these.”

Pictured: Scott Colosimo showed his bike April 13 during the EV conference at Kent State University.