YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Everstream, a Cleveland-based network services provider, will expand its fiber-based Ethernet, internet and data services offerings in the Mahoning Valley as part of a $300 million expansion of its fiber footprint throughout the Midwest.
That expansion will include additional fiber in Mahoning and Trumbull counties, said Brett Lindsey, president and CEO. The company’s strategic goal is to utilize the investment from parent company AMP Capital for acquisitions, greenfield network builds, funding organic network growth and development.
AMP Capital, a global investment manager headquartered in Australia, bought the company last year.
“The investment will spread across every county in northeast Ohio, from Lorain to Youngstown and as far south as Canton,” Lindsey said.
When Everstream completes its expansion, the company will have added nearly 6,000 route miles to its current fiber network of more than 10,000 miles, which is primarily in northeastern Ohio and Michigan, the company said. It plans to build dense metro fiber networks in 12 markets, including northeastern Ohio, as well as in Columbus and Dayton; Fort Wayne and Indianapolis, Ind.; Lexington and Louisville, Ky.; St. Louis, Mo.; and Green Bay, Madison and Milwaukee, Wis.
The company is committed to expanding in contiguous markets while maintaining the level of service and experience its customers demand, according to Lindsey.
“With the expansion, Everstream has the opportunity to both increase the density of our existing fiber routes and increase the availability of our business fiber network overall,” Lindsey said. “Everstream’s network offers comprehensive data center connectivity at 100 gigabyte speed and is capable of accommodating converged internet, voice and data services at speeds up to 100 Gbps.”
The phased builds will begin construction in the first quarter, and expected completion for the final build is the second quarter of 2020. Lindsey could not say when work would be done in Mahoning and Trumbull counties.
“The timeline has yet to be finalized,” he said.
The additional fiber investment is “nothing but a positive for our market,” said Sarah Boyarko, chief operating officer of the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber.
“This type of service is something that companies continually ask for as a resource to do business, and it is becoming – or has already become – a necessity to do business in the 21st century,” she said.