Filming of Thriller ‘The Awoken’ Begins at Royal Oaks

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Shooting is underway for the film “The Awoken” at the Royal Oaks bar on the East Side.

The film is a tense horror-thriller that takes place in a bar after-hours.

The two lead actors, Suanny Serpas and Jamie Christoferson, arrived in town Monday. Serpas plays the bartender, and Christoferson plays a stranger who says he has come to kill her.

Christoferson is a British actor who has appeared in the drama “Black Mirror,” which can be seen on Netflix.

Former boxing champion Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini will make a cameo in the film, as will rock band The Vindys.

Shooting will take place through Sept. 5, and the bar will be closed for the duration.

“The Awoken” is being directed by Michael Thyer and was written by Danny Matier, both of Australia.

The producer is Veronica Jones, a Cleveland native who works in the film industry in Los Angeles.

The film is expected to be ready in time to be submitted to film festivals in 2025, Jones said. The soundtrack will feature Ohio bands.

Local companies or groups interested in product placement in the film can contact Jones at [email protected].

Pictured at top: Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini with lead actors Suanny Serpas and Jamie Christoferson.

Copyright 2024 The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.