YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Four Youngstown State University accounting students are among those named to Stanford University’s University Innovation Fellows program at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.

Representing YSU in the fellowship program are Joseph Scott, Jessica Flynn, Andrew Klapac and Chris Eichler. In total, 358 students from 96 universities in 16 countries were selected for the program, which helps students develop skills in creative thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Participating students go through a six-week online course and travel to two in-person meet-ups to develop their projects and take more courses.

Being accepted into the UIF program was one of the most exhilarating experiences for me,” Scott said in a release. “Each week we were testing new ideas and refining old ones, all leading up to a stakeholder meeting in the final week with campus leaders where we pitched our findings and asked for their support. The UIF program does not stop there. We committed to a two-year program. We will be working diligently with our stakeholders to enact change on campus and introduce innovation to YSU students and faculty throughout that time.”

Pictured: From the left, front row Andrew Klapac, Jessica Flynn, Chris Eichler; and back row Joseph Scott, and accounting professor Marsha Huber, advisor. The students are participating in a Stanford University fellowship program.