GROVE CITY, Pa. – Alumni of the accounting program at Grove City College outperformed national averages on their performance on the state’s 2019 CPA exam.

According to the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy, first-time alumni taking the test passed at a rate of 66.7%, nearly 10 points higher than the national average.

In addition, the average score was 75.6, outpacing the national average by several points.

“Students at Grove City College take great pride in their work, rising to the challenge and working hard at their studies,” said Nicole Stone, department chairwoman and professor of accounting, in a statement. “Our program prepares them well for all parts of the CPA exam. Students are able to take that foundation and apply their extensive accounting and business knowledge to achieve great success on the exam and in their future career.”

The performance resulted in Grove City College being ranked 18th overall among all higher education institutions in Pennsylvania and third among medium-sized schools.

For more information on the Department of Accounting Finance, visit the school’s website HERE.