Home Sales in Mahoning Valley Show Drop in December

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The number of houses sold in Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana counties in December was down 27.4% from the year before, and sales for all of last year were down 8% from the year before in the three counties, the Youngstown Columbiana Association of Realtors reported.

December sales in Mahoning County were down a full 30.4% from a year earlier, with 192 houses sold last month, compared with 276 a year earlier. Sales for the entire year in the county were down 6.7% from 2,932 units in 2021 to 2,737 in 2022.  

In Trumbull County, 168 houses were sold last month, compared with 223 in December 2021, a 24.7% decline. A total 2,172 houses were sold in the county for all of 2022, a 7.1% decline from the 2,352 sold the year before.

Columbiana County posted 62 houses sold in December, down 24.4% from the 82 sold a year earlier. Sales for the year in the county were down 13% with 833 units sold in 2022, compared with 957 the year before.

Despite increases in average sale prices, total sales were down compared with 2021.  

Mahoning County sales in December totaled $32.2 million, down 29.15 from 45.4 million a year earlier. Total sales for the year, $481.2 million, were down a more modest 1.3% from 2021’s $487.5 million.

Trumbull County recorded $25.9 million in sales in December, down 24.2% from the $34.2 million sold a year earlier. The $345.4 million in sales for all of 2022 was off 1.8% from the $351.8 million in sales the year before.

In Columbiana County, sales for December totaled $12.3 million, down 7.3% from $13.2 million a year earlier. Sales for the year in the county totaled $145.8 million, compared with 2021’s $153.4 million, a 5% change.

The average sale price in December was $197,750 in Columbiana County, up 22.7% from $161,215 a year earlier. The average sale price for the year was $175,063, up 9.2% from $160,332 in 2021.

Mahoning County’s average sale price last month was $167,918, up 2% from $164,652 a year earlier. The county’s $175,793 average sale price in 2022 was up 5.7% from 2021’s $166,278.

Trumbull County reported an average sale price of $154,315 in December, up a modest 0.6% from $153,344 the year before. Its $159,010 average sale price last year was up 6.3% from $149,575 in 2021.

Published by The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.