YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Anyone interested in 3D printing jobs and careers in the additive manufacturing industry can start their journey at Humtown Additive, which has plenty of positions available.

Humtown Additive, located at 600 Cherry Fork Ave. in Leetonia, is the sister plant to Humtown Products in Columbiana. It uses 3D printing to produce intricate sand cores and molds for a number of industries, including rail and automotive.

During a Brain Gain Navigators webinar Monday afternoon, HR Coordinator Kate Pieplow said there are plenty of openings for all shifts at the plant. She and Mark Lamoncha, president and CEO, encourage anyone interested to apply, even if they have no previous additive manufacturing experience.

“We’re actively hiring,” Pieplow said. “I’m actually currently accepting applications and doing interviews starting this week.”

Humtown Additive has four 3D Finisher positions open that operate on six-hour shifts, she said. The plant currently runs four shifts, operating its 3D printing equipment 24 hours daily, Monday through Saturday: midnight to 6 a.m., 6 a.m .to noon, noon to 6 p.m. and 6 p.m. to midnight.

There’s also an opening in its packaging department, which runs a single 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. shift Monday through Saturday, she noted. On average, positions for 3D Finishers and Cleaners start at $15.90 per hour with incentives built in. There are also overtime opportunities.

Finishers and cleaners are essentially the starting point for all new employees, Pieplow said. They extract parts from the print boxes, clean the parts, pack them onto pallets and move them into the production room, as well as ensure the machines have all necessary material to keep running, she said.

“They might start their day at a machine, extracting the parts, and then they may follow those parts into our finishing room and start to fine tune them if that’s something that’s needing to go out,” she said. “They’re using air guns and brushes and getting all that loose sand off and packing it out into pallets.”

If applicants have no prior experience, Humtown offers on the job training. Learn more about the job in the recorded webinar video above and be sure to read the full story in the April edition of The Business Journal out next week.

To apply for a job at Humtown, visit and click the red Employment Application link in the upper left hand of the homepage.