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Invent Penn State Supports Internship at eCenter

SHARON, Pa. — Just one year ago, Penn State Shenango was one of six of the university’s campuses to receive a $50,000 seed grant to expand entrepreneurial endeavors in its region through Invent Penn State –a commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, job creation and student career success.

Through this initiative, Penn State Shenango is now collaborating with the eCenter@LindenPointe and has established VenturePointe, an incubator for start-up resources for businesses and nonprofit agencies. VenturePointe currently houses two Penn State Shenango startup: The Guardians Nest, a veteran’s resource center, and ATP Resources, a medical and rehabilitative equipment business.

And the VenturePointe incubator supported its first internship to immerse Penn State Shenango students into the entrepreneurial incubation process at the eCenter.

Riley Atterholt, a senior business student, learned about the eCenter’s Entrepreneurship Academy internship through a new course offered at the Shenango campus titled New Venture Creation, which was established to support the campus’ overall entrepreneurial initiative. Atterholt began his internship in December.

“It was an incredible learning experience, and I was honored to be the first Shenango campus student to complete an internship that was financially supported by the Invent Penn State initiative,” said Atterholt. “I was able to help progress the eAcademy’s awareness, as well as serve as a mentor to the student-led business teams. Additionally, I had creative freedom to design publications and work on other marketing initiatives.”

Atterholt completed his internship in March, but was asked by the eCenter’s executive director, Ketaki Desai, to stay as project manager of its newest initiative, Venture Investment Accelerator, a competition for startups. During this part of his extended internship, he was responsible for all parameters of the Venture Investment Accelerator competition, including marketing, planning agendas, running meetings, and organizing the judging. The winner of the competition received $25,000 to fund the startup.

“I really enjoyed working at the eAcademy and gained a lot of good, hands-on experience, but being asked to stay on at the eCenter and run the Venture Investment Accelerator was extremely exciting and rewarding,” continued Atterholt.

Atterholt has been an exceptional student throughout his tenure at the Shenango campus receiving several awards and scholarships, including the 2016 Ann Wansack Award for his leadership and participation in the campus, the Blue and White Scholarship, and the Paul and Eleanor Chadderton Scholarship. Most recently, Atterholt was asked to represent the student body in the interview process for the campus’ new athletic director in March, and in April, was chosen to be the student speaker at this year’s Penn State Mount Nitttany Society Dinner at the University Park campus.

This past spring, Atterholt was one of 13 students to participate in the campus’ Alternative Spring Break trip to Belize, where the group helped to install ceilings in a school classroom located in San Pedro Colombia. He is also an active member of the campus’ Student Government Association and the Student Activities Fee Committee.

Atterholt recently accepted the position as director of sports and recreation at Buhl Park in Hermitage. He will complete his baccalaureate in business degree in December.

Pictured above: Penn State Shenango student Riley Atterholt completed his business internship at the eCenter@LindenPointe.

SOURCE: Penn State University news service.