YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Youngstown Area Jewish Federation will present “A Conversation with Naim Obeid, CEO of A-CAT” at noon March 6 at the Jewish Community Center of Youngstown, 505 Gypsy Lane, and via Zoom.

Obeid will provide an overview of what A-CAT is and who the organization serves. He will also discuss how the current situation in Israel is affecting A-CAT’s work.

A-CAT brings Jewish and Arab youths and adults together. Its youth creative programs use art and technology as a universal language to build soft skills, promote acceptance and gain skills in conflict resolution, social cohesion and leadership. Its adult programs target underserved communities by providing them with vocational training, entrepreneurship, economic development and opportunities to succeed in today’s workforce. Obeid has served as CEO since 2016.

This program is part of the JCRC’s Israel Unveiled series. The cost is $5 and includes a light lunch. Registration is required by Feb. 28 if attending in person and by March 5 for Zoom. RSVP by contacting Nancy Sentelik at or 330 746 3250, ext. 108.