COLUMBUS, Ohio – The numbers of job openings across the state continued to grow, as OhioMeansJobs reports online postings of 306,251 openings between Oct. 14 and Nov. 13.

That is the highest number of job openings in the past four years.

The jobs posted were 836 more than reported for the previous month and an increase of 60,510 from the same time period a year ago.

Statewide, 27.7% list a middle-income salary range of $30,000 to $49,000, followed closely by upper middle-income jobs ($50,000 to $79,000) at 27.2% of openings. Entry-level jobs (less than $30,000) make up 15.9% of postings, high-income jobs ($80,000 to $99,000) 12.3% and six-figure jobs 17%.

Amazon is listed as the top employer seeking employees with 5,079 openings statewide. Regionally, many health care and hospitals are in the top 10 employers, such as University Hospital, the Cleveland Clinic, Akron Children’s Hospital, ProMedica Senior Care and the Aultman Health Foundation.


Northeastern Ohio saw similar increases in job openings compared with the state as a whole, with 104,946 posted during the month ending Nov. 13. That was an increase of 4,234 ads from the previous period and 19,644 ads from a year ago.

Locally, the top occupations in the area were registered nurses 7,930; heavy and tractor trailer truck drivers, 5,589; first-line supervisors or retail sales workers, 4,499; retail salespersons, 2,949; stock clerks and order fillers, 2,676; and light truck or delivery services drivers, 2,332.

The majority of regional jobs posted require only a GED or high school education at 46.2%, followed by a bachelor’s degree at 30.6%.

For the complete reports, go here for the state and here for Northeastern Ohio.

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