July 29, 2020: JuggerBot 3D Co-founder Zac DiVencenzo explains the basics of his industry in “3D Printing for Dummies.” Meanwhile, Youngstown’s Tax Incentive Review Council recommends a virtual town hall to address the Chill-Can plant.
Plus: State Sen. Michael Rulli, R-33 Salem, visited a Second Harvest Food Bank distribution, a free webinar will be held for businesses looking to rebuild due to the coronavirus and Gov. Mike DeWine’s latest briefing.

Tax Incentive Review Council Suggests Chill-Can Town Hall
Chill-Can Plan in Iowa? Says Who? Sound Familiar?
Rulli Seeks National Guard Support, H.B. 6 Reform
Magnet Hosts Webinar on Business after COVID-19
Child Care Providers Given Choice to Open to Full Capacity