June Edition: Aging Strategies: Financial Planning

The third installment in our “Aging Strategies” series is focusing on financial matters. Planning for financial longevity involves strategic wealth management. Don’t miss this opportunity to promote your  expertise to our affluent readers who make financial decisions for themselves and their loved ones.

June: Financial Planning
MidSeptember: Active Lifestyles
MidNovember: Health

Full page/full color $1200
Half page/full color $950
Quarter page/full color $450
Eighth page/full color: $300

SPECIAL PRICING for all 4 issues in the series
Full page/full color $840 ea
Half page/full color $540 ea
Quarter page/full color $360 ea
Eighth page/full color: $240 ea

300 x 600 Tower Banner
10M impressions/mo.

300 x 250 pixels banner
10M impressions/mo.

300 x 100 pixels banner
10M impressions/mo.

Advertising deadline: May 23 — Publication date: May 31
Call 330 227 7155 — [email protected]