STRUTHERS, Ohio – JA-In-A-Day, a financial literacy presentation presented by Junior Achievement of Eastern Ohio, will take place Monday, Nov. 21, at Struthers Middle School.
Students in seventh and eighth grades at the school will meet with employees of Huntington Bank, sponsor of the event, and community volunteers for lessons in financial literacy.
The seventh-grade students will attend “JA, It’s My Future,” a presentation on practical information to help prepare students for the working world. Topics include personal-branding, job-hunting skills, potential career research, basic resume creation, appropriate interview behaviors and differentiation between soft and technical skills
Students in eighth grade will attend “JA Economics for Success,” which will encourage students to use their skills, interests and values in their educational, career and life decisions, regardless of their income.
Both presentations are part of the JA Financial Literacy and JA Work and Career Readiness.
“JA-In-A-Day is a unique opportunity for JA to reach students a whole school at a time,” says Junior Achievement of Eastern Ohio program manager Joanna Feathers.