NEW CASTLE, Pa. – U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, R-3 Pa., presented the 3rd District Community Champion award Wednesday to Yvonne Clark, director of Walker’s Neighborhood House here.

Clark “has served both her family and community with excellence, leaving a legacy of compassion and integrity behind her that has impacted many,” Kelly said in his commendation. He presented the award to Clark at S. John United Holy Church in New Castle, where she has directed the choir for 35 years and been a member of its praise team for 15 years.

Walker’s Neighborhood House, a division of the Gussie M. Walker Community Outreach Organization,  provides tutoring and structured recreational opportunities for local youth in an area where 85% of the population is considered low income.

“Under Yvonne’s devoted and impassioned leadership, over 2,500 students have walked through its doors and left changed for the better,” Kelly said. “Whether serving her family or community, Yvonne has shown herself to be a leader in the truest sense of the word and a role model for the many that are privileged to know her,” he added.

The award is a quarterly citation created by Kelly’s office to recognize service-minded individuals throughout the 3rd District for their contributions to their communities. Each recipient of the award is given a plaque from Kelly’s office, a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol Building and a statement of congratulations entered into the official congressional record.

Pictured: U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly reads the commendation to Yvonne Clark and others gathered for the event.

SOURCE: Office of U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly.