CANFIELD, Ohio —  Kennsington Golf Club & Grille and CTW Development Corp. are teaming up with the U. S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots annual toy drive, which continues through Dec. 14 at the golf course.

“Last year, Kennsington and CTW were instrumental in helping our campaign collect and distribute over 40,000 toys to 8,433 children,” said Sgt. Gregory Peterkin, who oversees the local campaign.

Kennsington, part of CTW’s Westford Lifestyle Community, is collecting new, unwrapped toys. During the drive, anyone who donates a toy will receive a coupon for nine holes of golf at the course. This has been a standing tradition since the organizations first partnered oy drive nearly a decade ago, says Chuck Whitman, owner of Kennsington and CTW.

“We are happy to help support the Toys for Tots Program’s mission to provide gifts to the children in our community,” says Whitman. “We continue to partner with this program and offer golf in exchange for toys to really boost participation and give back to as many kids as we can.”

The local Toys for Tots program, based in Vienna, serves Mahoning and Trumbull counties.

Toys can be brought to Kennsington Golf Club’s ProShop at 4171 Westford Place between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily.