CLEVELAND — KeyBank‘s Small Business Wellness Review program has been recognized by Barlow Research Associates with a 2019 Monarch Innovation Awards.

The annual awards recognize four organizations in the banking industry for products as best in class for innovation. The categories include: Overall Most Innovative Award; Most Innovative Industry Partner; Most Innovative Product/Feature Award; and Honorable Mention. Key Bank received the Honorable Mention.

KeyBank’s Small Business Wellness Review is a patent-pending tool that uses AI and analytics to revolutionize how branch bankers and small business customers interact. The tool was created in house with human-centered design and agile methodologies for a simple and intuitive experience for employees and clients.

Coupled with skill-based training, the Small Business Wellness Review allows KeyBank associates to deliver industry expertise and customized solutions to address specific small business owner needs.

“At KeyBank, we pride ourselves on innovative solutions. With the Small Business Wellness Review, we are better equipped to provide our clients with customized attention, tailored to meet their specific needs,” said Justin Hunsaker, omnichannel originations product lead at KeyBank. “Thus far, we’ve had nearly 43,000 small business wellness conversations with this unique and unprecedented user experience, and we are excited to watch that number grow.”

KeyBank rolled out the program across its footprint last summer. Retail leaders, branch managers and associate bankers went through skill-based training to learn how to seamlessly interact with both the client and digital Small Business Wellness Review to provide customized solutions.  

“With the rollout of the Small Business Wellness Review, we were able to significantly simplify a very complex process for more than 3,000 branch bankers,” said Cheryl Foilb, general manager of business banking segment teams and sales and service director for KeyBank. “The true innovation comes from demystifying small businesses and turning bank novices into industry experts, while providing business owners with a tailored, convenient experience. Our feedback from both bankers and clients has been very positive.”