WARREN, Ohio — Dr. James J. LaPolla, Jr., podiatrist and owner of Northeast Ohio Foot, Ankle & Wound Centers, is a 2021 recipient of the International Aurora Award. The award is presented by Kerecis Corp. to doctors who provide outstanding case presentations and research papers pertaining to the science of dermatology, wound care, and burn treatments.
The recipients of the award are selected by an independent committee.
LaPolla, affiliated with Steward Sharon Wound Care Center, was one of the 12 recipients of this award from over several hundred submissions. His case presentation focused on a patient who was scheduled to have a below knee amputation due to an extensive infection of the foot and ankle, secondary to complications of his diabetes. LaPolla was able to save his limb with wound care, patient compliance, and the use of the proprietary Kerecis Xenograft.
In addition to receiving a recognition plaque and certificate, he also was provided with an educational stipend and was invited to present his abstract paper at a national or international wound meeting.
“I am honored to be presented with the International Aurora Award for my recent case presentation,” said Dr. James J. LaPolla, Jr. of Northeast Ohio Foot, Ankle & Wound Center. “I am eager to continue to use the Kerecis Xenograft to further improve the lives of my patients and their conditions.”