SHARON, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry has awarded $236,786 to the Lawrence Mercer Manufacturers Coalition through the Industry Partnership program.
The coalition is a new partnership between several manufacturers in Mercer and Lawrence counties.
The coalition is “very appreciative” of the Department of Labor and Industry’s selection of its proposal to support the creation of the industry sector partnership, said Julie Michael Smith, project manager for the LMMC and the Mahoning Valley Manufacturers Coalition. The MVMC is contracted with the LMMC to help it establish the industry sector partnership in western Pennsylvania.
“LMMC is laser-focused on manufacturing workforce needs, and this grant will be used to inform residents and, in particular, youth and young adults, of the appealing, rewarding jobs in manufacturing and provide opportunities for training to advance along career pathways,” Smith said. “We are looking forward to working with regional organizations, schools and manufacturers [that] share these goals.”
The funds will complement the nearly $1 million LMMC received from the U.S. Department of Labor last fall.
“The Lawrence Mercer Manufacturers Coalition is doing an important job by showing the next generation what we are manufacturing here and equipping them with the skills they need to live and work in our community,” said state Rep. Parke Wentling of Mercer, R-7th.