YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – Patrons of the Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County’s Hoopla digital service can now sample DC Comics’ latest revamp of its publishing line.

Cardholders can access the 96-page DC Universe: Rebirth Deluxe Edition, which kicked off the publisher’s relaunch earlier this year. DC is known as the publishing home of characters including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and, as featured in this summer’s film, Suicide Squad.

The title features extensive bonus material not available on any other library digital media platform.

All that is needed to access the content is a library card with the Public Library of Youngstown & Mahoning County or the library’s digital card, which is a fine-free card for patrons who use the Library’s digital offerings such as Hoopla. The digital card is available here.

Hoopla is a digital media service provided to patrons through which they may access nearly half a million titles, from six different formats: movies, television, music albums, audiobooks, e-books, and comics/graphic novels. The service can be accessed via computer, tablet or smartphone.

The Rebirth one-shot will offer reads a “teaser” of the relaunched books.

Graphic novels collecting issues of the titles – published monthly and in some cases twice monthly – will be published in January. Other graphic novels are available now on Hoopla.

To register for Hoopla digital, download the Hoopla digital app from the Apple or Google Play store on a mobile device. Computer users may visit this site.